Classic Chili


This chili recipe is, by far, our favorite soup or stew for the colder months. It’s slightly modified from Eating Well’s Mom’s Chili recipe (January/February 2016). I’m not really exact on the measurements, (for example I say “2 green peppers” vs. ”2 cups green peppers”) because I’ve made it so many times that I just approximate… I’m giving you my approximations! I also add a extra beans because… why not!

Three out of four of us in the household look forward to this meal - my youngest gobbles it up (I just love watching him eat!). But, the good thing about chili is the toppings and sides provide opportunity for my more finicky eater to get his fill. I’ll usually have an assortment of the following:

  • Shredded cheese

  • Avocado

  • Sour cream or greek yogurt

  • Corn bread

  • Grilled cheese triangles

  • Quesadilla wedges

  • Tortilla chips

Many, many kid friendly options listed there. I serve a little dot of chili on his plate and encourage food play… “It just rained, can your “grilled cheese puppy” drink out of the chili puddle!?”

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this rendition of classic chili. I usually double it - some for now, some to freeze (keeps for about 6 months in the freezer). I never regret it’s there when I pull it out on a cold day!
