Hello, friend. I’m Liz and I’m so glad you’re here.
I have a passion for helping others navigate the world of food and nutrition to find their own path to health and wellness.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple nutrition prescription? “Follow a certain amount of macronutrients,” “Take x, y, and z supplements,” or “Serve ___ amount of foods to your child,” for example. However, each person has their own circumstances, beliefs, family, lifestyle and personality that influences what health looks like and the path they take to get there and maintain it.
Through my years of experience as a Registered Dietitian, I’ve learned the importance of a holistic approach when it comes to achieving health where food, hormones, digestion, mental health, social influences, sleep, movement, and rest are all interconnected.
My background speaks to that interconnectedness. In grad school, when studying nutrition science, I took an interest in public gardening and culinary nutrition, building my nutrition knowledge from the roots (literally!). I co-founded Meredith College’s “Three Sisters Garden'' and farm stand. After school, I began my clinical work focusing on weight loss in the bariatric community, but quickly realized prevention better suited my interests.
Thus, I embarked on a 5-year career in primary care. I worked with anyone and everyone - all ages, conditions, and walks of life. I loved it! I built lasting relationships with my clients where we explored their lives, identified their strengths and created unique strategies that targeted their goals using both the art and science of nutrition - where both food is creative and fun, but also medicine.
And that, my friends, was a lovely life and career… then I had children. My children, as children do, have changed my perspective on life (obviously!) and my view of how one actually achieves health and wellness. They have turned my world upside down in how I think about food, and how I cook and feed myself and my family. Interestingly, I have also changed how I interact with my clients - I have found more room to discuss humility, grace, and perspective. Also, in the almost 6 years of being a mom, I have taken a huge (that is an understatement) interest in child and family feeding - from birth to teen.
Given my background, you can imagine that I read all the research, went by the guidelines, and tried to put into practice the “what” and “how” of what was recommended to me. It was HARD! And we didn’t even have enormous hurdles to overcome such as food allergies, “extreme” picky eating, or sensory processing disorders that some families do. I was appalled that me, A REGISTERED DIETITIAN!!, was struggling with feeding my children. It was and continues to be one of the hardest jobs I face. In speaking with other mothers, clients, and caregivers I am certainly not alone in my thinking.
My passion for family feeding was fueled by these conversations and a desire to help. I started to build a self study of some of the more common issues I heard about - food allergies, under/overweight children and teens, body image issues in teens, picky eating (of course!), meal planning, food chaining, and meal time battles (sitting in the chair, throwing foods, etc.).
That passion leads us to the creation of Roots2Fruits - the business formed out of a real life struggle and the passion to help others see through it. This is a place for YOU to focus on YOUR goals. But also a place to help you with one of the most challenging responsibilities we, as parents, have - feeding our families. I’m glad we’ve found each other, I can’t wait to get to know you.
but first… a few fun facts about me
favorite morning routine
waking just 20 minutes before the kids to make a do-to list and “center” myself
favorite drink
a toss up between coffee with whole milk (a latte, basically) or a simple, homemade margarita
favorite weekend activity
a Sunday morning family walk to Lake Wheeler Park