Meal Plan June 26th-July 2nd


We’re coming into the last part of June and it’s still VERY pleasant outside. I’m taking advantage of good grilling weather and my stash of freezer favorites so we can spend more time outside instead of in the kitchen.

Meal Plan 6.26-7.2 2.jpg

Let me explain:

Meal 1: We didn’t end up using the Trader Joes Carne Asada meal from last week (I sometimes have one meal that gets unused due to change in plans). This week I really want those flavors, but feel like we’ve been eating a lot of meat. So, I’ll make my easy black bean burgers (recipe to come), roast some sweet potatoes, microwave some 90-second rice, heat up some frozen corn and load these delicious bowls down with all the toppings (cheese, avocado, salsa, chips, maybe some leftover grilled peppers and onions from another grill night). By all means, take advantage of store bought burgers, or simply a can of rinsed and drained black beans… make life easy! The kiddos usually fully accept this meal because there’s more than enough choices to pick from.

Meal 2: Another go-to “bowl” for us uses Mediterranean flavors and toppings. I’m trying something new and using my “Big Batch Meatball” recipe instead of a marinated chicken (the usual). I always have some in the freezer and the kids love them. I’ll make some quick cooking (literally 10 minutes) Trader Joes Harvest Grains Blend, chop up some raw cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives, break out the hummus and tzatziki dip, heat up some pita and top all this on a bed of spinach (for the adults).

Meal 3: Pizza and salad, the good ol’ stand by.

Meal 4: Fancy Fish Sticks are always in my freezer. I just can’t get on board with store bought ones (not for any nutritional reason, I just think they’re a soggy mess!), and we use these A LOT. The whole family eats them because they appeal more to the adult taste buds but my kids gladly eat them. This night we’ll have them with frozen fries (something frozen I do like!), a side salad, maybe some veggies and hummus and fruit.

Meal 5: I follow Delish Knowledge for vegetarian and vegan ideas and I was inspired to make her Grilled Vegetable Platter with Lemon Feta Dip. I’ll grill up some marinated chicken legs, heat up some pita, put more dips on the table (hummus and tzatziki) and a bowl of fruit. I’ll probably make this meal early in the week hoping to use leftover veggies in the bowls listed above.

Meal 6: A night of grilling with friends. I’m planning to grill pork chops, enjoy our Squash Casserole I made yesterday for the blog (it’s in the fridge and I’ll just reheat at 350 until warm and bubbly again) and make a salad. We’re also keeping things simple for the kids and throwing some tater tots in the oven. If you’re wondering, Reed will probably only eat tater tots (but will be served everything - and that’s okay!), Wes will eat everything (as usual).

Meal 7: OUT!

Elizabeth Elam