Flax Chia Waffles


At one time, waffles were a food jag for my oldest son. Every single morning he wanted a waffle with peanut butter spread on it (not cut up… whole!) with a glass of milk. For what seems like eternity I would purchase multiple boxes of Nature’s Path Chia Plus waffles at a time, stocking up when they went on sale. At almost four dollars a box, this got expensive. Mostly because whatever my oldest eats in the morning, my youngest wants as well… even though my youngest would have already eaten breakfast. So here I am, toasting up $8.00 worth of waffles every week! AHHHH!!!

I try to limit the number of kitchen gadgets in my house (although my husband would tell you differently!), and a waffle maker used to seem like another gadget that might collect dust in my cabinets. But not now! I asked for one for Christmas and we’ve used it quite a bit! (Although now his food jag is Cheerios and milk. I can’t win!). We have this Dash Multi Mini Waffle Maker and I’m please with it so far.

I love these waffles because they’re fluffy yet full of texture from the oats, whole wheat flour, chia and flax. They’re subtly sweet so a dab of syrup isn’t going to make them overly sweet. The flax, chia, oats and whole grains offer Omega 3’s and fiber to help you and your family stay full and energized - way more than a simple Eggo Waffle can do! We serve ours with a spread of peanut butter, sliced bananas and a drizzle of maple syrup. It’s breakfast heaven!


BreakfastElizabeth Elam